A New Astronomical Dating of Odysseus' Return to Ithaca by Prof. Stavros Papamarinopoulos |
| | Prof. Papamarinopoulos could not be present at our Conference, but he gave us this essential paper on a new dating of the Return of Odysseus to Ithaca, according to new astronomical data. |
| The annular solar eclise of 30 October 1207 B.C. (Julian Day-JD 1280869), calculated by NASA together with the analysis of the weather and the description of the environment (long nights, plants, animals and peoples' habits) and the astronomical data (guiding constellations and presence of Venus in the east horizon) mentioned by Homer in the epic, point to an autumn return of Odysseus to Ithaca five days before the above characterized day. The latter offers a precise astronomical dating of the event and dates the legendary Trojan War. |
| | Prof. Papamarinopoulos' scientific article has been given a more accessible, shortened form by Ami de Grazia, which has appeared in Q-Mag, the Magazine of Quantavolution, in August 2012.
| Go to Q-Mag, the Magazine of Quantavolution |
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Tuesday, October 02, 2012 | contact: d e g r a a m i @ g m a i l . c o m |